2/4/2025 5:01:52 AM Digital Sustainability to Watch In 2025 By Adriana Duran The digital marketing landscape is entering a transformative era as artificial intelligence reshapes how brands engage, create, and...
12/21/2023 9:49:05 AM Driving better search results for expert written content By Samuel Page Content written on Passle tends to be digestible, timely, specific, and written by a professional such as a lawyer or consultant. While...
9/6/2022 4:07:49 PM Here's how Google uses AI in the form of natural language processing to make search even more semantic and context-based. By Gez McGuire Welcome to the future of Google search. Google now uses AI in the form of natural language processing to make search even more semantic...
8/19/2022 6:56:10 AM Why Google Are Saying "You Need To Stop Writing For Search Engines". By Stephen Sumner In it's latest series of updates Google seem to have gone back to it's, and the early webs roots. The most recent changes are suggesting...
11/30/2021 7:59:22 PM How Passle optimises for SEO By Tom Elgar Passle promotes content for the search engines in three ways: Technical: As a SAAS product, we are able at Passle to iterate our...
9/13/2021 10:24:14 AM Does the thought of social media keep you awake at night? By Passle Group I find myself drinking more and more coffee lately these days. I love oat milk lattes, can’t get enough of them. It’s not so much I like...
9/13/2021 10:15:15 AM The Mystical Arts of Super Successful Video Marketing By Passle Group Why hasn't my video gone supernova 😭? Going viral should never be the main objective of your video marketing campaign (never ever!) but...
9/7/2021 1:01:17 PM The Right Tool for the Job: Fifth Circuit Revives “Texas Hammer” Trademark Lawsuit By Benjamin G. Murray In online advertising, it’s commonplace for businesses to purchase competitor trademarks as search engine keywords to get in front of...
9/6/2021 11:22:59 AM Five reasons content marketing success requires a first-to-market strategy By Passle Group CONTENT. Sometime you read a piece of content that sits with youand underpins why you do what you do, and what it meansto create...
7/6/2021 9:29:51 AM ARTICLES ARE CONTENT GOLD. By Passle Group Articles.The GOLD in amongst other great ways of building trust and giving back to your network and community to stand out from your...
2/15/2021 10:23:18 AM How to Structure Your Demand Gen Team By Tim Hughes One of the things that scares me about articles, is it's a least 5 years old in approach. We deal with CEOs every day, who have believed...
2/10/2021 11:17:55 AM Over 80% of execs use social media as part of their decision making when choosing a vendor By Tim Hughes I spotted this article the other day, this is the paragraph that interested me. "A recent B2B buyer survey showed that most senior...
11/9/2020 4:55:49 PM Winning at SEO using structured and dynamic content By Samuel Page 23 years ago, three university students, Larry, Sergei & Scott, created a search program to plagiarise content for their assignments. It...
8/19/2020 12:00:00 AM The key features of SEO: A poll of experts By Tom Elgar Kevin Gibbons, something of a player in the UK SEO industry, ran a Twitter poll in April this year on the key features of SEO. While the...
7/23/2020 5:15:00 PM Fastest finger first? Nominet opens consultation on expiring .uk domains By Passle Group Highly desirable… Diamonds? Willy Wonka’s “Golden Ticket”? Contested by multiple parties… The Iron Throne? Gone in seconds… Glastonbury...
5/23/2020 11:47:03 AM COVID-19 Sends Digital Transformations Into Overdrive By Tim Hughes I've just finished a day of meetings via Zoom. I used to have a commute, to meet people in offices, to have meetings. Or have telephone...